Welcome to AirbrushGeek
How to Choose an Airbrush?
In order to start airbrushing you will need to buy an airbrush, an air source which is going to be more than likely an airbrush compressor and a medium like airbrush paint.Choosing the best airbrush or the best airbrush kit amongst the large number of existing products and brands can be a daunting task.
Before you can make your choice for the best airbrush to buy, you have to understand all the technical terms around airbrushing.
You can use an airbrush for all type of applications: plastic models, textile airbrushing, cake decorating, nail art or even barber airbrushing!
Different type of airbrush are best suited for those applications: for instance you might want to buy a siphon feed airbrush with a large size needle\nozzle to airbrush t-shirt, whereas a gravity feed airbrush with a fine needle\nozzle will suit you better if you want to airbrush fine details.
But don’t worry, everything is explained on AirbrushGeek and you can find out what is the best airbrush for a beginner.

Airbrushes have three main characteristics
- Trigger: the action the user performs to trigger the paint flow into the airbrush (single-action air flow (like the Badger 350 or the Paasche H-SET) , double-action Airbrush (like the Badger Patriot 105, Master Airbrush G223 or Passche VL),
- Feed system: This relate to the manner the paint is mixed with the air in the airbrush. It could be gravity feed (like the Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS), suction or siphon feed (like the Badger Air-Brush Co 155-1) or even side feed. (like the Badger Air-Brush Co 100-LH-2 (M).
- The mixing point: this is where the paint is mixed with the air flow. The mixing point is either internal or external.
Airbrush Tips and Guides
To help you choose the right airbrush, check out this must read post called “Best Airbrush for Beginners [Airbrush Buying Guide 2024]” .
I go through all types of airbrushes, whether they are siphon feed or gravity feed, single action or dual action, internal mix or external mix, large tip size or fine tip size. I will give you the pros and cons of each airbrush features, what type of airbrush is best suited for. I guarantee you this should help you having a better understanding of the airbrush as a tool. ultimately this will help you choosing the best airbrush for you.
Find out what is the “Best Airbrush for Beginners” .
Apart from your airbrush, you will need to get yourself a few other pieces of equipment, some of them absolutely necessary, some other more optional: You will need an air-hose, an air source (most likely a compressor), some paint and also something to paint.
But there is other items you need to consider so make sure you check out my Complete Airbrush Equipment List. I will go through absolutely everything. Again, I guarantee you this will help you get prepared for your airbrushing journey
Find out the Complete Airbrush Equipment List to Start Airbrushing the Right way
One of the essential equipment you will need to start is a compressor. An airbrush without an appropriate air source is a useless tool. I will cover everything you want to know about compressor in-depth in my “Compressor buyer guide“. So please refer to it to find more information on that matter.
What are you going to work on with the Airbrush?
Coming back to the actual airbrush, my first advice for you to help you choose the right airbrush for : start to establish for what purpose you will use the airbrush, what you will use the airbrush for (airbrush on plastic models, airbrush makeup, airbrush for T-shirts..etc), and then you will look for the best airbrush suited for that particular task.
Again, refer to the my “Airbrush buying guide .” to help you choose your airbrush.
You will need to understand exactly how an airbrush works in order to use it properly and also you will need to learn how to maintain it, take care of it. You could come across a multitude of possible malfunctions, and ideally you are going to be the one that will fix those. As a result, it won’t always be an easy journey. There is a lot to learn about and this is the challenge.
Check out the detail step by step guide on how to clean your airbrush.
Be prepared to be frustrated when you begin your airbrush journey. There is a learning curve. It won’t happen overnight. You will learn by your mistake. Even with a very expensive airbrush set (like the Badger Air-Brush Co R123C “Extreme” Badger Renegade RK1 Airbrush Set for instance), the result of your work can be disappointing. Therefore, it will depend on your ability to use the airbrush properly. After all, the airbrush is only a tools in your hand. On the contrary, put a cheap airbrush set in the hands of a experimented airbrush artist, and the result can be amazing!

Best Airbrush reviews
I will help you to choose the best airbrush for you. Please have a look at my airbrush reviews, you will see the one I have tested for you. I will make some recommendations and hopefully point you to the right direction.
As mentioned before, you are going to use a good bit of equipment as well: paint, compressors, stencils and so on. Therefore I am going to do some reviews some of those products as well.
Finally , it is time for me to let you browse airbrushgeek.com !